If you follow particular instructions, thoroughly think through your marketing campaigns, but still have mediocre results, there may be a few reasons for that. Here we have a reliable source that will teach you how to increase your sales with message marketing. But now let’s take a look at the reasons your campaign may not be so successful.
Those who are really invested in SMS and email marketing strategies may have heard terms like hard bounce and soft bounce. Bounce, in general, means that the message was not delivered. A soft bounce is when you send the message with your mass email sender to the active real recipient and the message is delivered to the recipient’s mail server but doesn’t reach the person’s inbox. Reasons for that can be different, but the full inbox tends to be the most popular one. A hard bounce, on the other hand, is when the message was completely rejected and cannot be delivered. In this article, we would like to focus on what is a soft bounce email and its impact on your campaign’s success rather than on soft bounce vs hard bounce email. So, if you are interested in soft bounce mails in particular, please keep reading.
Table of Contents
Does Soft Bounce Really Matter To Your Campaign?
Now, after we discussed a soft bounce email meaning, let’s see if it really matters too much. In reality, the issue with soft bounce is not that big. If the message wasn’t delivered in one try, most mailing services will try to deliver this message again in a span of a couple of days. If the recipient clears up their inbox or fixes any other issue with their inbox, they should receive your letter.
From first sight, it doesn’t really seem to matter if a few recipients out of a couple of hundreds won’t receive the message. However, if it keeps happening in the future, you may appear to mail services as an unreliable sender. As a result, all your messages will end up
Some Tips To Reduce Soft Bounces In Email Marketing
After establishing what impact a soft bounce has in email marketing, we want to share with you our thoughts on how you can reduce soft bounce in your campaigns.
If you notice that the emails targeted at the same recipient keep “bouncing back” to you, we suggest removing this person from your mailing list. That way, you will be able to keep your sender’s reputation intact. Sometimes, it may be hard to track which recipients don’t get your messages. But you should note that there are some mass mailing services that track which email address creates a soft bounce and automatically adds these addresses to a black list. This helps prevent you from sending them letters in the future.
Apart from the issues with the recipients’ inbox, a soft bounce may occur if your email is too big. Some devices or email services will not be able to support it, and as a result, a soft bounce rate may be much higher. A good idea will be to test each message before sending it and see if it is light enough to be delivered to everyone in your database.
Lastly, we would like to remind you about one of the most important things in email marketing: avoid spam triggers. This will help you not only reduce a soft bounce rate but also keep your messages away from a spam folder. Write emails that are short, clear, sound natural, and don’t have overly long headlines in all caps.
Wrapping Up
All in all, soft bounce is surely not the scariest thing that you can face when launching a new marketing campaign, but it may have a negative impact in the future. So we hope our email soft bounce definition and tips on avoiding it helped you to dive deeper into this subject and learn how to avoid this problem.
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