How To Create Engaging Content That Helps SEO?

Some are pros in writing extremely engaging content, while others focus on SEO-friendly articles solely. But is it possible to do both? Well yes! Because if you want to secure a reputable place in Google search rankings, it’s imperative to be excellent in writing content that readers will love, and of course, Google too. 

Being on an online platform, we all seek digital success. However, to rule the online industry, everything on our website MUST impress significant search engines like Google, Bing, etc. along with high-quality content.

Whether it’s your service page, blogs, or the guest posts, when they come with top-notch content and power to appeal search engines, nothing can stop you.

As simple as that!

Dragging more and more visitors on your website is necessary to impress search engines. Otherwise, search engines never pay much attention to your website. When readers start spending time on your service pages, blog pages, or any page on the site, search engines pay attention to what you have to offer. 

In this article, our experts from SEO services Orange County are here to shed some light on some of the most vital factors that can lead your website to ultimate success.

The following are 12 top tactics to implement to achieve engaging and search engine optimized content that can take your website to a new level. 

Table of Contents

Make The Most Out Of Your Headlines

Your content may be the best in the world, but if the headlines are not impressive, most of the people will not land on your page. Many leading copywriters in the world have a word to say about the importance of headlines when it’s about catching the eyes of any reader. Generally, you get less than 2 seconds to attract readers through your heading.

Now, as long as SEO needs are concerned, writing a headline of up to 60 characters is ideal and make sure it consists of one or more target keywords. Lastly, your headline must fulfil one or all of the following:

  • It should tell you how to perform any activity.
  • It should build a great rapport with the reader.
  • It should catch the attention of the reader’s brain.
  • It should make the reader curious about what has laid out in the body.
  • It should mention the benefits of the products or services.


Headlines or title tags are equally important as the following content. You have to put extra efforts to maintain the flow of your writeups with the help of your headlines.

Right Keyword Research Is The First Stepping Stone


When you conduct keyword research, you get an idea about what keyword trends are grabbing attention around the world. Based on this, you can develop your content.

The secret of keyword usage is to include maximum keywords in the parent pages of your website. Parent pages can be service, category, or product pages. You can keep the lesser important pages like blogs, articles reserved for using long-tail and less-volume keywords. 

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Do Not Miss Out On Related Keywords, Variations, and Semantics (LSI)

Relevant keywords are endless in our industry; however, using them smartly in your content will show an adequate level of relevancy with the primary keywords you use. When used correctly, they look natural and go with the overall theme of your content.

Investing time in thorough secondary keyword research is essential for your overall content marketing strategy. Thin nourished your writeups along with making them more substantial in terms of SEO. 

Done With The Above 3? It’s All About Writing The Content Now!

Once you finish conducting proper keyword research (primary and secondary both) and making some great title tags or headlines, just forget about the SEO factor.

Gather all of your energy and start writing the content. Keep the primary and secondary keywords in your mind and develop the content according to the theme. 

Writing with all of these things in mind can be challenging at times. Get over it. Do whatever you like to calm the inner child in you, be it booze, a call to a friend, music, or quick snack. No matter what it is, get done with it and start hitting those keys on your laptop. 

On Your Mark? Get Set & Write!

When you start making your first draft, keep one thing in mind–simplicity is the best thing in this world. Write the content that can be easily understood by readers. A simple outline has the power to convey your deepest emotions to the brain of your readers. 

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You may notice a slow beginning, but don’t panic! It’s completely natural. When you practice this technique well, more comfortable will be the content outline development. Once the mood sets, you will see the words flowing. 

Remember—writing paragraphs that contain more than 40 words should be avoided. Thick sections are tricky to edit, and they do not work in favor of conveying your ideas and thoughts to the reader. Smaller paragraphs, on the other hand, are easy to write and edit. Plus, readers love it when your content effortlessly transits itself.

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