How Much Are NFTs Worth Now

But this does not mean that there are no replicas and digital versions of this work in the digital world or even in the real world. Your neighbor may have a poster of it hanging on his wall, your mother may have a postcard with the image of the painting, a friend may have gone…

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Why Video Marketing Is So Powerful

Carefulness is diminishing and your market is more difficult every day so how do you ensure your content is fresh and engaging at a time when people are searching for new and exciting copies of it? Video marketing is one way you can cut the crowd, showcasing the strengths and potential of your company in…

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The Importance Of Data Management

Master data is fundamental records in modern companies. Examples are Customers, Suppliers, Materials, Units of Measure, Employees, etc. MDM, Master Data Management, should not be summarized as just another method, but as a grouping of good management practices, aiming to increase efficiency in the execution of business activities. Table of Contents Why Should We Adopt…

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Global climate change

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Centralized Vs. Decentralized NFT Marketplace: Which is the Best Option in the Current Market?

The NFT space has grossed massive popularity in recent years owing to its immense potential and increased technical knowledge among people. Although NFTs staunchly advocate decentralization, most existing infrastructure works on top of Web2 solutions and business tactics. What could that mean for users? Well, that means users embracing decentralization are still within the waters…

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