We all see email personalization at work every day. Your inbox is sure to have marketing emails where you’re addressed by your first name.
However, personalization goes much deeper than this, and it’s a key part of your email marketing campaigns. Here are five reasons why personalization is key to your email marketing.
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What do you think of when you think of spam?
For many people, they’re unsolicited emails that just appear in our inboxes. However, even emails we’ve solicited (signed up for newsletters, etc.) can come across as spammy if the sender hasn’t put enough work into personalization in marketing
Part of this personalization is the sender having some idea about who you are and, consequently, what content you’re looking for. When you showcase personalization early on in your emails, you signal to the reader that there is some familiarity, meaning there might be some value in the content.
People are protective of their inboxes. We use email to organize our lives, and this becomes much more difficult when you have to sift through endless spam.
When we get emails to our inbox, we want them to be relevant to our needs.
Your emails need to reflect this, but they can only do so if there is a level of personalization. Your email delivery platform will allow you to segment people to ensure you’re providing content relevant to individuals’ needs.
Sending relevant emails helps you to offer value.
This is the most important aspect with any form of digital marketing – what you’re doing has to be valuable to the customer. If it’s not, then people aren’t going to engage with it, and you won’t see results.
If you don’t know what the customer wants and you don’t have the ability to personalize your emails, you will struggle to create the same level of value.
Make sure you understand your target audience and work on creating content that grabs people’s attention while offering value.
Personal Touch
Personalization isn’t just about putting the recipient’s name at the top of an email.
It’s also about making your correspondence sound like it came from an actual human being rather than a bot. It might seem like an obvious point, but when you’re sending out thousands of emails at a time, it’s something that gets forgotten.
Make sure you’re using tools like email signature software to show there’s a human behind your emails, and you will create a stronger response.
We want to feel like individuals, not part of a massive email outreach program run by bots.
You’re looking to build relationships with your email outreach. Relationships require a level of personalization.
Everyone is unique, with different pain points, and your emails should reflect this. The more you can zone in on what the individual is looking for, the more likely it is you’re going to develop a prosperous relationship.
If you don’t personalize what you do, then it’s going to be harder to build relationships.
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